Tuesday, January 08, 2008

(untitled 211)

My English 10 classes are working on personal narratives right now, so as a warmup today, I had them free write on their experiences with the "other sub" that they've had for the last couple of weeks. Most of them had pretty negative experiences (students, as a rule, tend not to like subs), so it made for pretty entertaining reading. I'll reproduce my favorite one here.

Having a sub was really not fun. Although, then we had a lot of free time. It was cool not haveing to do much of anything. But with a sub I learned little to nothing. So that was a down-side. Especially the old lady. She was old. And a lady. And boring. Why was old lady boring? Cause she was old. And a lady. Lady is the first word in Lady bug. Those are red. Red like roses. People give roses for dances. I like dancing. Especially when people break dance. Thats so cool. And they always have some cracker getting showed up. Like on this one movie. Hoo-rah. It was cool. Cool like ice cream. "You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream." I like that saying. Screaming is what they use at emo music. Emos are lame. Lame like crackers. My friend thinks crackers and ranch are good. But its not.

I would have laughed out loud if I weren't sitting in the computer lab with them. I like these kids.


Anonymous said...

wow. I remember being smarter than this in high school. Bias? I don't know. Maybe it is a reflection of the Utah schooling system :)

austinmcraig said...

How old are your kids?

ambrosia ananas said...

Hahahaha. This reminds me of talking to my little sister and of journal assignments in high school.

H2 said...

i do this all the time, but I am always certain that the teachers don't like it because it's not "advanced enough for my age level". They wouldn't let me read lemony snicket either because he's apparently for 5th graders. Did I mention I'm thinking about burning down the school? Well I am. Haha I am sounds like yam. Yams are grody.

Lisa B. said...

I think the kid is kind of smart, because basically the message of this freewrite is "you can shove your freewrite up your a**--I will not take it seriously." Resistance is a form of intelligence. And my favorite moment in the piece? "Like on this one movie. Hoo-rah." Yeah. That about sums it up. I like dancing, too.