Tuesday, September 22, 2009

(untitled 317)

I've just finished getting over a cold this last week. The cold itself wasn't remarkable - it wasn't any more or less bearable than any other cold I've had - but it was noteworthy in that it was the first cold I've had since having a beard.

I can now tell you with utmost certainty that having a cold is the second-worst thing that can happen to a bearded person. Why? Two little words: snot beard. Blowing your nose is virtually impossible without getting some or most of the mucus into your mustache. It's not a good thing.

(The worst thing about having a beard? Why, that would be puke beard. It's only happened to me once, and I had to burn the beard off immediately.)


Emily said...

I can't help but think of Mr. Twit from 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please read it, at least the part where it describes him. You won't regret it. I don't remember anything else about the book, come to think of it...

Marcene said...

I will definitely reconsider growing a beard after reading this post! Thank you

Lisa B. said...

This could be a case study on how "disgusting" can almost entirely overlap, inexplicably, with "hilarious."

LJ said...

I was given a vision of you removing your beard with a blowtorch. Hee hee hee.

Braden said...

Wow, burning puke-filled beard is now the worst smell I have ever imagined.

Audrey said...

Girls have to deal with possibly getting puke in their hair when they're sick- I guess it's kind of the same thing.