Friday, October 13, 2006

(untitled 110)

No plot spoilers for you here (as I haven't read the book myself). I'm just writing to tell you all that if you haven't read the Lemony Snicket series yet, you really should. I've had Book the Thirteenth, titled The End, in my clutches for the past few hours, and the fact that I've only been able to read a few short chapters so far has been killing me.

Interestingly enough, this is the only book in the series to have fourteen chapters. The fourteenth chapter actually comprises its own book, titled, curiously enough, Chapter Fourteen. (The subtitle of the book is "Book the Last," which I find amusing.) I'm really excited.

Seriously, friends, you should read this. Reading Lemony Snicket will give you insights into my writing style that might not make sense otherwise. For instance, if you ever wondered why I title (or, rather, used to title) all of my posts in the format of "post the ______th", you needn't wonder any further.

I'm not even kidding. Go find the book. Go find the series. Read them. You won't be disappointed.


Krista said...

I claim I get to borrow your copy sometime after you've finished.

SkyBluePink said...

Can I borrow Book the First and Book the Second? For some strange reason, my bookstore doesn't sell those two.

Melyngoch said...

I read the first three because they were on my roommate's shelf, and was delighted with much of the writing. Then school happened, so I didn't read any more. I'll be in Utah over Thanksgiving; you should offer to loan me some.

Unknown said...

thank you ever so much for the loan of the first twelve in the series. i stole my little brother's copy of book the thirteenth for a moment on saturday, but my conscience wouldn't let me keep it until the next time i visit my parents. so now i'm a few chapters in and in dire need of a bookstore. guess where i'm headed tomorrow after work...